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Cambridge Bikeability Level 1 & 2 Holiday Course

Our Bikeability Level 1 & 2 course is for children in Year 5 and above who can already ride independently without stabilisers. We can deliver one-to-one training for children who cannot ride.

All courses are run by first aid and safeguarding trained National Standard Instructors. The course runs over two consecutive days from 10.00am – 2.30pm (8 hours of training in total) including a 30-minute supervised lunch break each day. Participants must attend both days.

Children receive a realistic cycling experience equipping them with the skills to cycle short journeys. We educate riders on effective observations, understanding road priorities, communicating with other roads users and effective road positioning. 

Participants will need to provide their own cycle, helmet and packed lunch. This course is fully funded so there is no cost to you.

Cambridge, CB4 0DL: The Bike Depot, Cambridgeshire
140 Cowley Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
  • 30/10/2024 (10:00 - 12:00)
  • 30/10/2024 (12:30 - 14:30)
  • 31/10/2024 (10:00 - 12:00)
  • 31/10/2024 (12:30 - 14:30)
  • 9 years old (must be in Year 5)
  • 10 years old
  • 11 years old
  • 12 years old
  • 13 years old
  • Female
  • Male
  • Prefer not to say
  • Asian - Bangladeshi
  • Asian - Chinese
  • Asian - Indian
  • Asian - Pakistani
  • Asian - Any other Asian background
  • Black - Black African
  • Black - Black Caribbean
  • Black - Any other Black background
  • Mixed - White and Asian
  • Mixed - White and Black African
  • Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
  • Mixed - Any other Mixed background
  • White - Gypsy/Roma
  • White - Irish
  • White - Traveller of Irish Heritage
  • White - White British
  • White - Any other White background
  • Any other ethnic group - Arab
  • Any other ethnic group
  • Prefer not to say
  • Yes
  • No